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Karina (Nose Karina, Japanese model) is 33 years old (birthdate: February 21, 1984).

Karina (Cynthia Karina Moreno Elías, Venezuelan singer) is 49 years old (birthdate: November 19, 1968).

Karina (María Isabel Llaudes Santiago, Spanish singer) is 71 years old (born December 4, 1946).

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7y ago
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10y ago

When the series begins Karin is age 11. Two have pass in the series since the introduction of Bleach and Karin as of 2014 is 13 years old.

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13y ago

Karin is 16 years old

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14y ago

Karin is only 16

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9y ago

15 or 16

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Q: How old is Karin from Naruto?
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What movie or episode is Karin from Naruto in?

Did you mean Karin? If so, then she did not appear anywhere expcept the manga.

What chapter does karin come in from Naruto?

Chapter 347

How does Karin in Naruto Shippuden look like?

Karin has glasses and red hair. To see a better description of her, go to

Karin vs. Karin vs. Orihime vs. Chuck Norris vs. Sakura vs. Mihsa?

Chuck Noris wins. He always wins.♥♥ Sakura second place. Then Orihime. Then Misha. Then Karin (from kamichama karin) Then Karin (from Naruto shipudden.) Atcually Charile Brown wins, He always wins fight he's not in. who's karin in naruto?

Does Karin from Naruto have a last name?

As far as anyone knows, Karin doesn't have a last name, and neither do Juugo or Suigetsu.

Will karin die?

yes she dies in naruto manga 481 in youtube

How old is kurosaki karin?

Karin is eleven years old ^^

What does naruto karin mean?

I'm going with the BLEACH fruit theme for this definition. Karin in Japanese means quince (a type of fruit). The kanji are 花梨 I hope this helps! So the Karin in Naruto could mean quince. That is the only Japanese definition I was able to find.

What episode did Karin show up in Naruto Shippuden?

Her anime debut was Naruto Shippuden episode 115: Zabuza's Blade.

Who is karin in Shippuden Naruto?

Karin is a part of the organization that Sasuke Uchiha started. i can't explainb her very well so go to