Karen Clark-Sheard birth date is listed to be November 1960, which would make her 48 years old.
Jill Scott is the original artist of that song. But I believe Karen Clark Sheard took the "You Loved Me" to a while other level.
Karen Gravano is 41 years old
Karen McDougal is 40 years old (birthdate: March 23, 1971).
i doubt it...she has had alot of phsical changes but i dont think she had the surgery!
Karen Connolly is 46 years old (born March 12, 1969).
Karen Clark Sheard's birth name is Karen Valencia Clark.
Karen Clark Sheard goes by KCS.
Karen Clark was born on 1945-07-23.
Karen Clark Sheard is a/an Singer,songwriter,musician,actress
Karen Clark.
Karen Clark Sheard was born on November 15, 1960
All in One - Karen Clark Sheard album - was created on 2010-04-06.
It is not known if the Clark sisters all had bariatric surgery. It has been speculated that Karen Clark Shears had the surgery but nothing has been confirmed.
Karen has not had braces since October 2009.
Jacky - (age: 63) - December 29, 1948 Twinkie - (age: 57) - November 15, 1954 Dorinda - (age: 54) October 19, 1957 Of course the baby for last Karen - (age: 51) - November 15, 1960 Same birthday as Twinkie.