In wikipedia it says he is 40 years old and was born September 15 1973
The status of Justin Tsimbidis is unknown, since he abandoned social media more than 5 years ago. As was obvious from his appearance at age 16, he suffered from progeria, which is a genetic disorder that causes rapid, premature aging. Most individuals with this disorder die before the age of 20.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Justin Smoak is 27 years old.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Justin Renfrow is -- years old.
Justin Leonard is 39 years old (birthdate: June 15, 1972).
Justin Hartley is 40 years old (birthdate: January 29, 1977).
Justin Tsimbidis
The status of Justin Tsimbidis is unknown, since he abandoned social media more than 5 years ago. As was obvious from his appearance at age 16, he suffered from progeria, which is a genetic disorder that causes rapid, premature aging. Most individuals with this disorder die before the age of 20.
Justin is 14 years old...
Justin Starr is 28 years old.
She was 18 years old when she had Justin
Justin Robinett is 23 years old
"Justin Sane" (Justin Geever) is 44 years old (birthdate: February 21, 1973).
Justin Bieber was 14 years old.
Justin Bieber was 13 years old when he was discovered.
Justin's mom is 36.
The age of Justin Bieber's new girlfriend is 17 years old and she is older then Justin.
There is no "Justin Chapman" - it is Justin Bihag. I believe he was born in 1983.