Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 56 years old (birthdate: January 13, 1961).
Julia Werner is 33 years old.
Julia Jentsch is 33 years old (birthdate: February 20, 1978).
Julia Boutros is 43 years old (birthdate: April 1, 1968).
Julia Lennon was born on March 12, 1914 and died on July 15, 1958. Julia Lennon would have been 44 years old at the time of death or 101 years old today.
Julia Werner is 33 years old.
julia montes is 16 years old.
Julia Jarman is 64 years old. She was born in March 1946.
Julia Gillard is 56 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1961).
Julia Jentsch is 33 years old (birthdate: February 20, 1978).
Julia Boutros is 43 years old (birthdate: April 1, 1968).
Julia Neigel is 45 years old (birthdate: April 19, 1966).
Julia McKenzie is 70 years old (birthdate: February 17, 1941).
Julia Pereira is 13 years old and was born on May 26 1998.
Julia Schultz is 32 years old (birthdate: June 15, 1979).
Julia Kristeva is 70 years old (birthdate: June 24, 1941).
Julia Nunes is 28 years old (birthdate: January 3, 1989).