Jose Clayton is 37 years old (birthdate: March 21, 1974).
Jose Mari Chan is 66 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1945).
Nicole Alonso is 5' 3".
Renata Dominguez's birth name is Renata Santos Dominguez.
As big as a party burrito
MLB player Jose Dominguez is 6'-01''.
MLB player Jose Dominguez bats right.
MLB player Jose Dominguez weighs 200 pounds.
Jose Dominguez plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Jose Dominguez is a relief pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
MLB player Jose Dominguez throws right.
Jose Dominguez is number 60 on the Los Angeles Dodgers.
MLB player Jose Dominguez was born in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic.
Jose Dominguez debuted on June 30, 2013 and played his final game on July 22, 2013.
Jose Dominguez is 6 feet tall. He weighs 160 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
Jose Dominguez was born August 7, 1990, in San Pedro de Macoris, San Pedro de Macoris, D.R..
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