Louise Cardoso's birth name is Louise Ferreira Cardoso.
Patricia Castelo Branco was born on May 25, 1982, in Lisbon, Portugal.
The cast of A Deusa Vencida - 1980 includes: Neuza Borges as Narcisa Luiz Carlos Arutin as Amarante Oscar Felipe as Barreto Leonor Lambertini as Vina Felipe Levy as Nicolas Barreto Altair Lima as Lineu Neuci Lima as Malu Afonso Nigro as Tico Roberto Pirillo as Fernando Agnaldo Rayol as Edmundo
I would say Uma Thurman & Jane Lynch; both standing at 6'.
The cast of Peur Et Abandon - 2004 includes: Malcon Bauer as Rapz Igor Lima as Artur Suzana Luz Cardoso as Edith Piaf Gilbas Piva as Henrique Juliana Spohr as Priscila
Thiago Cardoso is 20 years old (birthdate: August 4, 1991).
Fernando Henrique Cardoso is 80 years old (birthdate: June 18, 1931).
She is 10 years old.
Manuel Cardoso was born on December 11, 1566 and died on November 24, 1650. Manuel Cardoso would have been 83 years old at the time of death or 448 years old today.
Jorgelina Rimoldi was born on 1971-10-06.
Jorgelina Cravero was born on 1982-01-23.
Manuel Cardoso died on November 24, 1650 at the age of 83.
Brian Cardoso's birthday is on February 25th, 1976. This means he is 35 years old today! thanks tdbrooks
Jorgelina Guadalupe Airaldi was born on April 17, 1984, in Santa Fe, Argentina.
Idilio Cardoso's birth name is Idilio Cardoso Trujillo.
Vera Cardoso's birth name is Vera Leote Cardoso.
Louise Cardoso's birth name is Louise Ferreira Cardoso.