Jordan Spieth was born on July 27, 1993
Michael H. Jordan was born on June 13, 1936 and died on May 25, 2010. Michael H. Jordan would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 79 years old today.
Jordan Todosey(Lizzie) is definitely not dating Daniel Magder(Edwin). In fact, Jordan is only 15 years old and believe it or not, Daniel is 18 years old!
Yes Jordan is Dante's dad. Dante Jordan Knight was born on 08/25/99 making him 11 years old
US golfer Jordan Spieth is 23 years old. He was born on July 27, 1993 in Dallas, Texas.
No, Jordan Spieth is not single.
Jordan Spieth was born on July 27, 1993
Jordan Spieth married to Annie Verret in 2018
Jordan Spieth was born on July 27, 1993
Jordan Spieth married to Annie Verret in 2018
Jordan Spieth was born on July 27, 1993
Yes, Jordan Spieth married to Annie Verret in 2018
Roger staubach
Jordan Spieth.
Jordan Spieth
Oh honey, Roger Staubach is not Jordan Spieth's grandfather. They are not even related. Staubach is a former NFL quarterback, and Spieth is a professional golfer. It's like asking if a pineapple is related to a giraffe - just no connection there, darling.