US actor Zachary Quinto is 40 years old (birthdate: June 2, 1977).
Rufa Mae Quinto is 33 years old (birthdate: May 28, 1978).
Rufa Mae Quinto was born on May 28, 1978.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Joe Thatcher is 32 years old.
Joe Borowski is 40 years old (birthdate: May 4, 1971).
Joe Hachem is 45 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1966).
Yes, he has a brother, Joe Quinto, who is a photographer.
Rufa Mae Quinto is 33 years old (birthdate: May 28, 1978).
Zachary Quinto's birth name is Zachary John Quinto.
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Quinto Martini was born in 1908.
Quinto Martini died in 1975.
William Quinto was born in 1937.
Quinto Vadi was born in 1921.
Raúl Quinto was born in 1978.
Egidio Quinto died in 1722.
Egidio Quinto was born in 1653.
Charles Quinto was born in 1990.