Jackie Coogan was born on October 26, 1914 and died on March 1, 1984. Jackie Coogan would have been 69 years old at the time of death or 100 years old today.
Jackie Condon's birth name is Condon, John Michael.
She is alive and well in Los Angeles.
Carolyn Jones - Morticia Addams John Astin - Gomez Addams Jackie Coogan - Uncle Fester Ted Cassidy - Lurch Blossom Rock - Grandmama Ken Weatherwax - Pugsley Addams Lisa Loring - Wednesday Addams Thing - Ted Cassidy Cousin Itt - Felix Silla
Since there was not a grandpa Addams in the original 1960s TV series you may have meant 'Uncle Fester' who was played by Jackie Coogan .
Jackie Coogan died on March 1, 1984 at the age of 69.
Jackie Coogan was born on October 26, 1914.
Jackie Coogan was born on October 26, 1914.
yes Actually NO. He was NEVER a Little Rascal. There were three Jackie's that were Little Rascals (Jackie Condon, Jackie Davis and the more famous Jackie COOPER) but not Jackie Coogan. It is true that Jackie Coogan was a child film star, perhaps the first true child film star. But not a Rascal.
Jackie Condon's birth name is Condon, John Michael.
She is alive and well in Los Angeles.
Around The World In 80 Days Steve Coogan: Philias Fogg. Jackie Chan: Passepartout
not Jackie Coogan
Jackie Coogan
Steve Coogan is 47 years old (birthdate: October 14, 1965).
Keith Coogan is 47 years old (birthdate: January 13, 1970).
This 2004 movie starred Jackie Chan and Steve Coogan.