Swedish businessman Ingvar Kamprad is 91 years old (birthdate: March 30, 1926).
He founded the company IKEA in 1943.
Ingvar Melin's birth name is Ingvar Selimson Melin.
The cast of Chez nous - 1978 includes: Kerstin Bagge as Ellen Kjell Bergqvist as Jansson Olof Buckard as Managing Editor Palle Granditsky as Lawyer Ingvar Kjellson as Elmgren Sven Lindberg as Wiren Berto Marklund as Sundbom Lis Nilheim as Eva-Lisa Per Oscarsson as Schrenk Per Ragnar as Stock Commentator Moniqa Sunnerberg as Gunilla S.
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Chris Old is 69 years old (birthdate: December 22, 1948).
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Ingvar Kamprad was born on March 30, 1926.
Ingvar Kamprad was born on March 30, 1926.
Ingvar Kamprad has a net worth of about 47 billion as of May 2014.
An acronym derived from his property and his village Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd
ingvar kamprad
Ingvar Kamprad
in a caravan
Ingvar Kamprad
IKEA stands for the initials and location of the founder of IKEA, that is: Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd.
me did Ingvar Kamprad write an answer here? Ingvar Kamprad i the founder of IKEA and considered to be the richest person in Sweden.
Ingvar Kamprad enskild aktiebolag
IKEA was invented by a Swede with the name of Ingvar Kamprad.