Rock drummer Sander "Sandy" Nelson is 79 years old (birthdate: December 1, 1938).
Samuel Haywood Mirams was born in 1837.
Willie Nelson is currently still alive.
Charles Nelson Reilly was born on January 13, 1931 and died on May 25, 2007. Charles Nelson Reilly would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 84 years old today.
Haywood Nelson's parents are Jewel Plummer and Haywood Nelson Sr.
Haywood Nelson was born on March 25, 1960.
Haywood Nelson was born on March 25, 1960.
They are not related. A recent viral meme claimed the two were related, but this was based on a misunderstanding.
They are not related. A recent viral meme claimed the two were related, but this was based on a misunderstanding.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Brendan Haywood is 34 years old.
He's not dead yet. Spencer Haywood is 61 years old.
Dave Haywood is 29. His birthday is July 5, 1982.
Haywood Jeffries was born on December 12, 1964.
She was 38.
He is probably unrelated. Prince was a Minnesota native. We will know the details of his estate in due time, as far as his music copyrights, which he famously managed himself.
whisper nelson is 23 years old.