As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Greg Olsen is 29 years old.
Dr. Greg Olsen
Candace Olsen is in her 50's
Elizabeth Olsen is 28 years old (birthdate February 16, 1989).She is the younger sister of the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (born 1986).
Jørgen Olsen is 61 years old (birthdate: March 15, 1950).
Greg Garbowsky is 23 years old. (2009)
yes, greg olsen is married.
NFL player Greg Olsen is 6'-05''.
NFL player Greg Olsen is 6'-05''.
Greg Olsen is number 88 on the Carolina Panthers.
Greg Olsen plays Tight End for the Carolina Panthers.
NFL player Greg Olsen weighs 250 pounds.
Professionally, Greg Olsen first played football for the Chicago Bears. After four years on the team, he was then drafted to his second team: the Carolina Panthers.
No, Candace Olsen and Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are not related.
NFL player Greg Olsen is 6'-05''.
No, he's not related to those twins.
yes, greg olsen is married.