She wasn't very famous. She was only in one video which was Stacy's Mom back in 2003. She is 21 of today. And btw: I think it's cool that me and her have the same first name LOL! But no one really knows what happened to her.
Gianna Nannini is 55 years old (birthdate: June 14, 1956).
Gianna Michaels is a porn star. From all the research I have looked into she is not dead. She is very much alive. She was born in 1983 and is 29 years old.
Gianna Michaels
Gianna Pederzini died on March 12, 1988, in Rome, Lazio, Italy.
In Gianna Rose Atelier, you can purchase gifts such as soaps, candles, diffusers and more. You can view the complete listing of available products at the Gianna Rose website.
Gianna Distenca's birth name is Gianna Abbigail Distenca.
Gianna Distenca was born on May 15, 1989, in Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Stacy's Mom was a hit single by Fountains of Wayne. The members are lead singer and guitarist Chris Collingwood, bass player and vocalist Adam Schlesinger, guitarist and vocalist Jody Porter, and drummer Brian Young.
Gianna Nannini is 55 years old (birthdate: June 14, 1956).
Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki is 55 years old (birthdate: December 12, 1955).
Thirteen years old
Gianna Martello from Dance Moms is 25. She was born in June 10, 1989
first of all im ENGLISH!! so its mum not mom. but staceys mum is obviously my mum who is one fit mother trucker
US soprano Gianna D'Angelo was 84 years old when she died on December 27, 2013 (birthdate: November 18, 1929).
Gianna Olivia Gianna Brianna Gianna Caitlyn Gianna Bethany Gianna Vanessa Gianna Veronica Gianna Rose Gianna May (or Mae) Gianna Jasmine Gianna Mikayla Gianna Isabelle Gianna Isabella Gianna Madeline Gianna Courtney