Evelyn Wood was born on January 8, 1909 and died on August 26, 1995. This would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 101 years old today.
Evelyn King is 57 years old (birthdate: July 1, 1960).
Evelyn Lozada is 42 years old (birthdate December 10, 1975).
area you 37yrs old or what.
Evelyn Lin is most famous for starring in questionable videos. She stars as an Asian woman from 2006. Born in china in 1987, her family moved to the USA when she was four years old.
no she die when she was 99999 years old
Evelyn Wood died at the age of 86 on August 26, 1995.
Evelyn Wood was born on January 8, 1909.
Evelyn Wood was born on January 8, 1909.
Evelyn Wood died on August 26, 1995.
Evelyn Wood - teacher - was born in 1909.
Evelyn Wood - teacher - died in 1995.
Harley Wood's birth name is Evelyn Merchant.
Evelyn Lau is 46 years old (birthdate: July 2, 1971).
Evelyn King is 57 years old (birthdate: July 1, 1960).
Evelyn Lozada is 42 years old (birthdate December 10, 1975).
Evelyn is 31, born on the 4th of January 1983.