Andrew Jones is 31 years old (birthdate: June 24, 1980).
Felix Jones is 26 years old (birthdate: May 8, 1987).
Max Lloyd-Jones is 26 years old. His birthday is February 26, 1991.
Jill Marie Jones is 42 years old (birthdate: January 4, 1975).
Rupert Penry-Jones is 40 years old (birthdate: September 22, 1970).
Emilia Jones
sabrina emilia sankar is 9 years old
Emilia Clarke is 30 years old (birthdate May 1, 1987).
Emilia Tsoulfa is 38 years old (birthdate: May 15, 1973).
emilia is emilia
Amelia was 34 when she married.
Yes...don't ask me who because I don't know. Hes married to Claire and they have two children, Emilia and Lucas.
Reneeka Jones is 14 years old
who is alec Jones
Old Bill Jones was created in 1970.
a jones is 12 years old and her birthday is on november 16
As of June 2014, Phil Jones is 22 years old.