Eliot Lance Engel is 64 years old (birthdate: February 18, 1947).
Lance LeGault is 76 years old (birthdate: May 2, 1935).
Cats is a musical composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot.
T. E. Lawrence died on May 19, 1935 at the age of 46.
S. Morris Engel was born in 1931.
Eliot Feld was born on July 5, 1942, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Eliot Lance Engel was born on February 18, 1947.
Eliot Lance Engel was born on February 18, 1947.
Eliot Lance Engel was born on February 18, 1947.
No, Eliot Engel is not single.
Eliot Engel has 3 children
Yes, Eliot Engel has 3 kids.
Eliot Engel has 3 children
Yes, Eliot Engel has 3 kids.
Eliot Engel was born on February 18, 1947
Eliot Engel was born on February 18, 1947
Eliot Engel went to Lehman College (BA, MA)New York Law School (JD)
Wherever there are tax breaks.