10 years old
Elijah Harden is 11 years old
Christopher Atkins is 56 years old (birthdate: February 21, 1961).
Susan Atkins was born on May 7, 1948 and died on September 24, 2009. Susan Atkins would have been 61 years old at the time of death or 67 years old today.
11 Years Old
10 years old
He went to Tennessee High School
Atkins is married to Tammy Jo and has a son named Elijah, who appears in the video for "Watching You". Atkins also has two stepdaughters, Lindsey and Morgan, from Tammy's previous relationship.
Elijah Harden is 11 years old
Dr. Robert Atkins died when he was 72 years old
In the book Elijah of Buxton old flapjack is the mule.
Rodney Atkins is 48 years old (birthdate: March 28, 1969).
Al Atkins is 63 years old (birthdate: October 11, 1947).
Emma Atkins is 42 years old (birthdate: March 31, 1975).
Martin Atkins is 52 years old (birthdate: August 3, 1959).
Garrett Atkins is 31 years old (birthdate: December 12, 1979).
Chucky Atkins is 42 years old (birthdate: August 14, 1974).