Edward Brooker was born on January 4, 1891 and died on June 18, 1948. This would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 119 years old today.
Moira Brooker was born in 1957.
Gary Brooker was born on May 29, 1945.
He was married to model Debbie Brooker.
Russel Edward Brand has just now turned 27!!
Thy don't. But the reason why some vampires might be called Edward is because vampires are old and Edward is an old name, so the author may have chosen for that vampire to be called Edward, but there are a a lot of vampire stories which don't have a vampire called Edward in.
Edward Brooker died at the age of 57 on June 18, 1948.
Edward Brooker was born on January 4, 1891.
Edward Brooker was born on January 4, 1891.
Edward Brooker died on June 18, 1948.
Gary Brooker is 66 years old (birthdate: May 29, 1945).
Charlene "Charlie" Brooks is 36 years old. (Date of birth: May 3, 1981)
No he is not
Ian Brooker's birth name is Ian Anthony Brooker.
Ken Brooker's birth name is Kenneth Cameron Scott Brooker.
William Brooker has written: 'William Brooker' -- subject(s): Exhibitions
gretta brooker palmer
Richard Brooker was born in 1954.