Mexican musician Eden Munoz (of Calibre 50) is 27 years old (born September 25, 1990).
he is 6’2 1/2 6’3
You can download the song Aqui Estoy by the band Calibre 50 from various websites. You can also listen to the song when you see the band Calibre 50 live in concert.
His .50 calibre revolver was based on a Crosman 3357 .50 calibre paintball revolver.
for a rifle it is thought to be a .50 calibre but a gun company made there own for there own sniper rifle the .408 calibre
The actor is in his late 50's or early 60's but no birthdate information is available.
@890 mps
Estudio 2 - 2005 Calibre 50 Grupo Escolta Ocho Segundos was released on: USA: 17 May 2011
A .50 calibre cartridge is measured as 12.7mm in metric terms, while a 7.62 projectile is in the .30 calibre range.
The best sniper rifle has to be the barrat 50 calibre it has an awesome firepower, and an awesome zoom. Following up to the barrat 50 cal is the walther 2000. it has a 45 calibre round, but makes up for it in speed.
Estudio 2 - 2005 Banda El Recodo Calibre 50 Banda Carnaval was released on: USA: 20 July 2013