Child actor Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit is 27 years old (born November 29, 1990).
He is the slightly older twin brother of Blake Tuomy-Wilhoit.
TV actor Dylan O'Brien is 26 years old (birthdate: August 26, 1991).
Chad Dylan Cooper from "Sonny with a Chance" is 19 years old. He is younger than Sterling Knight.
Dylan Alligue is a young french actor,director,author,screeplay writter who reccently is in a relationship with Disney channel star Zendaya coleman. dylan alligue is on facebook.
zac efron`s brother is Dylan and he is 14 years old
Dylan is 5'7 (170 cm).
Dylan Sprouse is 28 years old.
Dylan Plummer is 12 years old
Who's Dylan and how old is he?
Dylan Llewellyn is 24 years old (born September 10, 1992).
As of the 2014 MLB season, Dylan Bundy is 21 years old.
Dylan Dauzat is 20 years old (born November 2, 1997).
Dylan Mclaughlin is 24 years old (birthdate December 2, 1993).
Dylan Patton is 24 years old (birthdate: July 13, 1992).
Dylan Lauren is 38 years old (birthdate: May 9, 1974).
Dylan Bruno is 38 years old (birthdate: September 6, 1972).
Dylan Mattingly is 20 years old (birthdate: March 18, 1991).
Dylan Collins is 22 years old (birthdate June 17, 1995).