Dick Smothers is 79 years old (born November 20, 1938).
*One source still lists his birth year as 1939
Yes, they are both still living as of March, 2010.
Tommy (born 02/02/37) and Dick (born 11/20/39) Smothers have had time during their long careers (they retired in May 2010) to have families. Tommy has 3 children and one grandson, Phoenix Parrish-Smothers. Dick has 6 children (Dick Jr, Andrew, Steven, Sarah, Susan, and Remick) with probable grandchildren.
Yes, Tommy (born 02/02/37) and Dick (born 11/20/39) Smothers are still very much alive as of early 2015. Tommy lives on his Remick Ridge Vineyards in Sonoma County, California, ;and Dick lives in Sarasota, Florida.
The religion of Tommy (born 02/02/37) and Dick (born 11/20/39) Smothers has never been made public, but it is the general opinion that they were raised in a Protestant environment . Their comedy routine showed that they were against organized religion.
Dick Rambone is 53 years old (birthdate: March 6, 1957).
Dick Smothers was born on November 20, 1939.
Dick Smothers was born on November 20, 1939.
Tom Smother
Tommy smothers
The cast of The Tom and Dick Smothers Brothers Special I - 1980 includes: The Flying Karamazov Brothers as Themselves Nicolette Larson as herself Martin Mull as himself Pat Paulsen as himself The Roches as Themselves Tom Smothers as Himself - Host Dick Smothers as Himself - Host Tom Waits as himself Fred Willard as himself
The Tom and Dick Smothers Brothers Special II - 1980 TV was released on: USA: 11 November 1980
The Tom and Dick Smothers Brothers Special II - 1980 - TV was released on: USA: 11 November 1980
The cast of The Tom and Dick Smothers Brothers Special II - 1980 includes: Glen Campbell as himself The Flying Karamazov Brothers as Themselves Roo Morgan as herself Martin Mull as himself Pat Paulsen as himself Tom Smothers as Himself - Host Dick Smothers as Himself - Host David Somerville as himself Tanya Tucker as herself
Tommy (born 02/02/37) and Dick (born 11/20/39) Smothers were the only celebrity children of Ruth and Thomas Smothers. They do have a sister, Sherry, born in 1941 in California. Tommy is the father of 3 children and Dick has 6 children.
Ronald Smothers owns 4 Burger Kings and a Dennys in the Los Angeles area. There is no indication that he is related to the retired duo of Tom and Dick Smothers.
Yes, they are both still living as of March, 2010.
Tommy (born 02/02/37) and Dick (born 11/20/39) Smothers have had time during their long careers (they retired in May 2010) to have families. Tommy has 3 children and one grandson, Phoenix Parrish-Smothers. Dick has 6 children (Dick Jr, Andrew, Steven, Sarah, Susan, and Remick) with probable grandchildren.