Julian de la Pena was born in May 1966, in New York City, New York, USA.
Desiree Evelyn Hunt died July 20, 1977, at the ripe old age of 85. Desiree Evelyn Hunt was wife to Henry Durell Ball and mother to television legend Lucille Ball.
Dorys del Valle has: Performed in "Somos los mejores" in 1968. Played Mariana in "Alta comedia: El avaro" in 1971. Played Odile (1972) in "Rolando Rivas, taxista" in 1972. Performed in "Los doctores las prefieren desnudas" in 1973. Played Marilena in "Pobre diabla" in 1973. Performed in "Los vampiros los prefieren gorditos" in 1974. Played Dorys in "Los reyes del sablazo" in 1984. Played Amelia Del Pino in "Se dice amor" in 2005.
Beatrice Valle's birth name is Valle, Florence.
Desiree Cousteau's birth name is Clearbranch, Deborah.
Desiree Del Valle's birth name is Desiree Lois del Valle Dunham.
Desiree Del Valle is 5' 4".
Desiree Del Valle goes by Des.
Desiree del Valle was born on May 28, 1982.
Desiree del Valle was born on May 28, 1982.
Fernando del Valle is 47 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1964).
Adriano del Valle's birth name is Adriano del Valle Rossi.
Marcela Del Valle's birth name is Marcela del Valle Puertas.
The population of Amatenango del Valle is 6,559.
Valle del Zalabí's population is 2,326.
Teotitlán del Valle was created in 1465.
The population of Teotitlán del Valle is 5,601.