As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Derrick Johnson is 31 years old.
Derrick Thomas was born on January 1, 1967 and died on February 8, 2000. Derrick Thomas would have been 33 years old at the time of death or 48 years old today.
US actor Don Johnson is 68 years old (birthdate: December 15, 1949).
Katrina Johnson is 29 years old (birthdate: April 27, 1982).
The Filipino actor/dancer/singer Derrick Monasterio was born on August 1, 1995. He was born in Quezon City, Philippenes and is currently eighteen years old.
Derrick Johnson was born on 1982-11-22.
NFL player Derrick Johnson is 6'-03''.
Derrick Johnson - footballer - was born on 1989-07-28.
Derrick Johnson plays for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Derrick Johnson plays Line Back for the Kansas City Chiefs.
NFL player Derrick Johnson played for Texas.
Derrick Johnson is number 56 on the Kansas City Chiefs.
NFL player Derrick Johnson weighs 242 pounds.
derrick rose is way better
Derrick Johnson
Derrick Johnson of Texas.
Derrick Johnson