Greek singer Dimitra Papadea, aka Demy, is 25 years old (born August 21, 1991).
*The US actresses are Demi Moore and DemiLovato.
Valentine Demy was born on January 24, 1963, in Italy.
Demetra Hampton goes by Demy.
The cast of Rose Bluelight - 1989 includes: Valentine Demy Silvia Dheve Carmen Di Pietro Baby Pozzi Paolo Romboli Gill Royal
The cast of Mon copain Rachid - 1998 includes: Karim Boucherit as Rachid adulte Didier Delasalle Mathieu Demy as Eric adulte Maria Desroches Corinne Lentretien Nordine Mezaache as Rachid Jonathan Reyes as Eric
The cast of Le occasioni di una signora per bene - 1993 includes: Valentine Demy Carmen Di Pietro Massimo Guelfi Letizia Longhin Maurice Poli Renato Tonti Giovanna Vinci
Demy de Zeeuw is 28 years old (birthdate: May 26, 1983).
Jacques Demy was born on June 5, 1931 and died on October 27, 1990. Jacques Demy would have been 59 years old at the time of death or 84 years old today.
Jacques Demy died on October 27, 1990 at the age of 59.
Valentine Demy is 170 cm.
Jacques Demy went by Jacquot.
Jacques Demy was born on June 5, 1931.
Jacques Demy was born on June 5, 1931.
Valentine Demy was born on January 24, 1963, in Italy.
Demy de Zeeuw was born on May 26, 1983.
Mathieu Demy was born on October 15, 1972, in Paris, France.
Demy de Zeeuw was born on May 26, 1983.
Jacques Demy died on October 27, 1990 at the age of 59.