David Mundy is 31 years old (birthdate: July 20, 1985).
David J is 54 years old (birthdate: April 24, 1957).
David Knights is 66 years old (birthdate: June 28, 1945).
David Sutcliffe is 48 years old (birthdate: June 8, 1969).
David Bisbal is 38 years old (birthdate: June 5, 1979).
David Rodigan's birth name is David Michael Rodigan.
David Rodigan was born on June 24, 1951.
David Rodigan was born on June 24, 1951.
David Rodigan has: Played Broken Tooth in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Jose in "The Office Party" in 1976. Played David Glenn in "Horse in the House" in 1977. Played Jose in "Under the Bed" in 1977. Played Frank Wild in "Shackleton" in 1982. Played Inspector Forbes in "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" in 1984. Played Himself - Ram Jam FM DJ in "Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony" in 2009.
In the book "I am David" David is a thin 12 year old boy.
David is 18 years old
David Metzenthen is 52 years old
David Archulera is 17 years old
David Koma is 24 years old.
David Henry is 21 years old
King David is in the old testament.
As of June 2014, David Myrie is 26 years old.