Danielle Bunten Berry was born on February 19, 1949 and died on July 3, 1998. Danielle Bunten Berry would have been 49 years old at the time of death or 66 years old today.
Danielle Panabaker is 29 years old (birthdate: September 19, 1987).
Sarah Danielle Madison is 38 years old (birthdate: September 6, 1974).
Sian Berry is 43 years old (birthdate: July 9, 1974).
I am going to be twenty one in twenty one days.
Born June 9, 1993. So 17 turning 18. -Danielle.
Danielle Bunten Berry died on July 3, 1998 at the age of 49.
Danielle Bunten Berry was born on February 19, 1949.
Danielle Bunten Berry was born on February 19, 1949.
Danielle Bunten Berry died on July 3, 1998 at the age of 49.
James Bunten died in 1935.
James Bunten was born in 1875.
Bill Bunten was born in 1930.
Dan Bunten was born on February 19, 1949.
Dan Bunten was born on February 19, 1949.
Kauf dir einen bunten Luftballon was created in 1961.
Danielle is from Iowa and is 34 years old.
The duration of Kauf dir einen bunten Luftballon is 1.7 hours.