Harry Potter is the character. The actor who played him was called Daniel Radcliffe.
Daniel Radcliffe has starred in all of the Harry Potter movies as Harry Potter.
No, Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter.
Harry Potter is a famous character not an actor. He doesn't actually exist.Daniel Radcliffe portrays Harry Potter in the movies, he is a famous actor from England.
Daniel Radcliffe played Harry Potter in the film franchise.
Too much.
Daniel Radcliffe is a famous actor who stars in many popular shows but he is extremely famous for staring Harry in Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. He is harry for all the 7 booksin the series- Harry Potter.He was Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movie series.
Harry James Potter. Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter in all the films.
Alan Radcliffe is not a actor in the Harry Potter films.
Daniel Radcliffe was 15 in the third Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Daniele Radcliffe is an actor who plays Harry in Harry Potter
No! Daniel Radcliffe is Harry Potter.
Harry Potter is played by Daniel Radcliffe.
Daniel Radcliffe's first movie was Harry Potter.
Yes, he does.
Daniel Radcliffe was age 12 when he took the role as Harry Potter.
Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter from the books by J.K. Rowling.