Sarah Wynter is 44 years old (birthdate: February 15, 1973).
Wynter Finley's birth name is Wynter Merin Finley.
Dana International is 39 years old (birthdate: February 2, 1972).
Dana Brunetti is 44 years old (birthdate: June 11, 1973).
Sarah Wynter has 3 children
Dana Wynter is 5' 7".
Dana Wynter was born on June 8, 1931.
Dana Wynter was born on June 8, 1931.
Dana Wynter's birth name is Winter, Dagmar.
Dana Wynter died on May 5, 2011 due to congestive heart failure at the age of 79
Sarah Wynter is 44 years old (birthdate: February 15, 1973).
The 1959 cast memers were: James Cagney, Dana Wynter, Don Murray and Glynis Johns,
She is 25 years old. She was born August 25, 1985.
dana levenson
The cast of To Be a Woman - 1951 includes: Wendy Hiller as Narrator Julian Somers as Narrator Dana Wynter as Woman of Today
Wynter Finley's birth name is Wynter Merin Finley.