Cynthia Rothrock is 54 years old (birthdate: March 8, 1957).
Cynthia McFadden is 55 years old (birthdate: May 27, 1956).
Pop singer Madilyn Bailey is 24 years old (born September 2, 1992).
I would guess she's around 48.
Ace Young is 30 years old (birthdate: November 15, 1980).
43 years old
50 years old
50 years old
44 I'm jazi
The Real Housewives of Atlanta - 2008 The Old Lady and the Shoe 6-6 was released on: USA: 8 December 2013
Dwight was born in 1959, so he will turn 54 sometime in 2013
kim in 2011 is actually 32 and will turn 33 on September 12 2011
Apollo Nida is 39 years old (born November 19, 1978). He is the ex-husband of Phaedra Parks (Real Housewives of Atlanta).
She was born in 1970 which makes her 39 years old in August of 2009 unless her birthday hasn't come yet then she will be 40 this year.
How old are the housewives of Miami
Bailey is 4.25 years old
Mrs.parks is 40