US actress Christine Baranski is 65 years old (birthdate: May 2, 1952).
Christine Jane Baranski, (born May 2, 1952) is 59 years old
Yes, she played Jewel Maniscalo.
Christine Sinclair is 34 years old (birthdate: June 12, 1983).
Christine Jorgensen died on May 3, 1989 at the age of 62.
Christine Baranski's birth name is Christine Jane Baranski.
No, Christine Baranski is not single.
Christine Baranski was born on May 2, 1952
Yes, Christine Baranski has 2 kids.
Christine Baranski has 2 children
Yes, Christine Baranski has 2 kids.
Christine Baranski has 2 children
Christine Baranski married to Matthew Cowles in 1983
Christine Baranski was born on May 2, 1952
Christine Baranski was born on May 2, 1952.
Christine Baranski married to Matthew Cowles in 1983
Yes, Christine Baranski married to Matthew Cowles in 1983