No. Chris has mentioned having brothers, but Spencer is definitely not one of them.
Chris Pratt was born on June 21, 1979
He is not a Democrat nor Republican.
Spencer Pratt is 33 years old (birthdate: August 14, 1983).
donna Kelly pratt is chris kellys mother and angela smith is chris smiths mother. both of their fathers are unknown
No, Chris Pratt is not single.
Chris Pratt is a/an Actor,comedian
Chris Pratt has 2 children
Yes, Chris Pratt has 2 kids.
Yes, Chris Pratt has 2 kids.
Chris Pratt has 2 children
Chris Pratt married to Anna Faris from 2009 to 2018 Chris Pratt married to Katherine Schwarzenegger in 2019
Chris Pratt married to Anna Faris from 2009 to 2018 Chris Pratt married to Katherine Schwarzenegger in 2019
Chris Pratt was born on June 21, 1979.
Chris Pratt was born on June 21, 1979
Chris Pratt was born on June 21, 1979.
No. Chris has mentioned having brothers, but Spencer is definitely not one of them.