The fictional character Cassie Logan in the 1976 novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is 9 years old.
Meryl Cassie is 27 years old (birthdate: April 2, 1984).
I am Logan Hummel and I THINK I am 10 years old.
Lara Logan is 39 years old (birthdate: March 29, 1971).
Nick Logan was Born on Feb. 16 and is 14 years old, he goes to MHMS currently
9 Years old.
In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Cassie Logan is 9 in the beginning. Little Man (Clayton Chester Logan) is. Christiphor John is 7 and Stacey is 13. -- Rochelle Gawel Gull Lake Middle School!
Cassie is 13 years old in "Let the Circle be Unbroken."
Cassie Logan goes to the Great Faith Elementary School.
Cassandra Logan goes by Cassie.
Cassie Logan is 9 years old in the book "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor.
There are four Logan kids:The oldest is Stacey. He is 12 years old.The second oldest is Cassie. She is 9 years old.The third kid is Christopher-John. He is 7 years old.The last kid and the youngest is Little Man (Clayton Chester). He is 6 years old.
Some of Cassie Logan's fears in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry are racist and violent society, and humiliation.
No, Cassie Logan was not present at the Avery house when they got injured. Cassie is a character from the book "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor, and the incident with the Averys did not involve her.
David and Cassie Logan
the main characters are: Cassie Logan Stacey Logan Little Man (Clayton Chester) Logan Christopher John Logan T.J Avery
a girl
Cassie Logan is a determined and strong-willed young girl who confronts racism and injustice in the story. She is brave, intelligent, and loyal to her family, often challenging the unfair treatment they face in their community. Cassie is a protagonist who stands up for what is right despite the dangers and obstacles she encounters.