she looks like shes 18 already but she just turned 15 a few months ago.
Carrie Wampler is 20 years old (born August 13, 1996).
Cannibal Hookers was created in 1987.
Cannibal Apocalypse was created in 1980.
Cannibal Corpse is an Death Metal band founded in 1988.
Anita Cannibal's birth name is Dana Traci Bryant.
The cast of Cannibal Campout - 1988 includes: Amy Chludzinski as Amy Carrie Lindell as Carrie Richard Marcus as Rich - Cannibal Jon McBride as Jon Gene Robbins as Gene - Lead Cannibal Joseph Salheb as Joe - Disfigured Cannibal Nancy Sciarra as Nancy, first victim
Carrie was 5 years old
Carrie Underwood is 30 years old in 2013
Carrie Underwood was 21 when she became famous
Carrie Preston is 50 years old (birthdate: June 21, 1967).
Carrie Newcomer is 53 years old (birthdate: May 25, 1958).
Carrie Wampler is 20 years old (born August 13, 1996).
Carrie Prejean is 24 years old (birthdate: May 13, 1987).
Carrie Westcott is 41 years old (birthdate: December 12, 1969).
Carrie was born in 1980 making her 29.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season T.J. Carrie is 23 years old.
carole underwood - carrier's mother is 67 years old