As of the 2014 MLB season, Brad Peacock is 26 years old.
56 years old. Brad was born on December 18th, 1963
Brad Hollibaugh the bodybuilder is either 47 or 48-years-old.
15 years old
Brad Delp died on March 9, 2007 at the age of 55.
Brad Dourif's birth name is Bradford Claude Dourif.
Brad Dourif was born on March 18, 1950.
A picture of Brad Dourif taken in 2002 can be found at the link below, in the Related Links section.
No, Brad Dourif is the voice of Chucky.
he is 5ft 9
Brad Dourif was born in Huntington, West Virginia on March 18, 1950. He is 63 years old and is still active in the acting world. He is best known for playing the voice of Chucky in the Child's Play Franchise.
Brad Dourif played Grima.
Brad Dourif
Brad Dourif.
Chucky lived in new jersey and played by brad dourif
In all of the Chucky movies, Brad Dourif was the one that had voiced the character.
The cast of Brew - 2007 includes: Brad Dourif as Adolphus Rhinehart