Bjarne Stroustrup is 60 years old (birthdate: December 30, 1950).
No he ins't.
Bjarne Mikael Mattson was born in 1970, in Trondheim, Sr-Trdelag, Norway.
Eric is 5'11
old rivers old fashioned love song old lamplighter old school
Chris Old is 69 years old (birthdate: December 22, 1948).
Bjarne Stroustrup was born on December 30, 1950.
Bjarne Stroustrup was born on December 30, 1950.
C was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie from 1969 to 1973. C++ was initially developed by Bjarn Stroustrup from 1979 (when it was known as C with Classes) to 1983 (when it was renamed C++). Both developers worked at Bell Labs at the time.
No he ins't.
Bjarne Stroustrup
Bjarne Stroustrup.
Bjarne Stroustrup
It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup
Bjarne Stroustrup
Bee-yarn-eh Strow-strup
Bjarne Stroustrup is the inventor of C++.
Bjarne Stroustrup