There are multiple famous people with the name Billy King.
Billy King (NBA team executive) is 51 years old (born January 23, 1966).
Billy King (Scotish footballer) is 23 years old (born May 12, 1994).
William R. "Billy" King (Irish cricketer)was 84 years old when he died in 1997 (born December 16, 1902).
William H. "Billy" King (Australian footballer) is was 70 years old when he died on August 23, 1990 (born August 17, 1920).
King Billy was born 16 Novemeber 1650 in hague
Billie Jean King was born on November 22, 1943
Billy the Kid Billy Joel Billy Bob Thornton Billie Holiday Billie Jean King
Billy Squier is 61 years old (birthdate: May 12, 1950).
Billy Packer is 71 years old (birthdate: February 25, 1940).
Billie Jean King is 67 years old (birthdate: November 22, 1943).
King billy was a protestant king who ruled england. he was also know as king william, king of oranges.
Billy King - cricketer - died in 1987.
Billy King - cricketer - was born in 1902.
Billy King - footballer - was born on 1920-08-17.
King Billy was born 16 Novemeber 1650 in hague
Billy is 31.5 and Robert is 19.5 yrs old
Billie Jean King was born on November 22, 1943
Billy the Kid Billy Joel Billy Bob Thornton Billie Holiday Billie Jean King
Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.Because Bill is a variation of William, and so Billy is sometimes used as a variation of Bill or William. He was also a king. So he was known as King Billy.
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billy bishop was 62 years old.