Two singers are known as Belinda.
Belinda Peregrín Schüll is 27 years old (birthdate: August 15, 1989).
There is also a singer in Mindelo, Cape Verde Islands: Belinda Lima Francis (Belinda Lima Spencer), but no verified biographical information is available.
Belinda Carlisle is 59 years old (birthdate: August 17, 1958).
Belinda Emmett died on November 11, 2006 at the age of 32.
Belinda Mariano is 15 years old (birthdate June 10, 2002).
Because Jane Wyman's character (Belinda) has a baby and name's him Johnny Belinda.
Belinda Hocking is 17
Belinda Stronach is 45 years old (birthdate: May 2, 1966).
Belinda Bauer is 61 years old (birthdate: June 13, 1950).
Belinda Carlisle is 59 years old (birthdate: August 17, 1958).
Belinda Emmett was born on April 12, 1974 and died on November 11, 2006. Belinda Emmett would have been 32 years old at the time of death or 41 years old today.
Belinda Emmett died on November 11, 2006 at the age of 32.
Belinda Mariano is 15 years old (birthdate June 10, 2002).
Spanish actress-singer Belinda Peregrín Schüll (Peregrín-Schüll) is 27 years old (born August 15, 1989).
16 years old and died in 1977
of course no!!she is 52 years old