Audrey Marie Anderson is 36 years old (birthdate: March 7, 1975).
Ruth Marie Milliman was born on April 11, 1957, in Anderson, South Carolina, USA.
Greg Anderson is 50 years old (birthdate: March 14, 1961).
She died in 1996 at the age of 73.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Kyle Anderson is 20 years old.
Audrey Marie Anderson was born on March 7, 1975.
Audrey Marie Anderson was born on March 7, 1975.
Audrey Marie Anderson is married to actor Anthony Michael Jones. They have been together since 2000 and have two children.
Audrey Landers was born on July 18, 1956, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Audrey Marie Hilley died in 1987.
Sybil Audrey Marie Lupp died in 1994.
Sybil Audrey Marie Lupp was born in 1916.
Audrey Munson's birth name is Audrey Marie Munson.
Jennifer Marie Anderson is 5' 10".
Tara Marie Anderson is 170 cm.
Tara Marie Anderson goes by Tara Belle.
Dawn Marie Anderson was born in Sidney, in New York, USA.