Her real name is Julianna Grace but when all the kids were little, Caleb started to call her Annie for short and we all got used to it, so we started to call her that.
annie is 19
Annie Leibovitz is 68 years old (birthdate: October 2, 1949).
Hello Annie I just have a quick question. How old are you?
annie's name is julianna
Hayley Annie and Caleb also known as bratayley Live in Canada
I am 99 percent sure she is 9 the other 1 percent is 10
annie 8 caleb 9 hayley 4
Hayley Annie and Caleb also known as bratayley Live in Canada
He is 10
Caleb: Baseball Player Annie: Gymnastics coach Hayley: Gymnastics coach
Her first name is Julianna it tells all of their last names on calebs channel blazenoutlaws and the title is me playing baseball their last name is on the uniform it goes be really fast so you might not be able to see it.
Annie is 8 years old.
Her real name is Julianna Grace but when all the kids were little, Caleb started to call her Annie for short and we all got used to it, so we started to call her that.