Nobody ever mentions it. But I DO know that all the Athena kids were born from air or magic or something, not from the mother's womb.
No, her grandmother's name is Lillian Gish, but she is not the famous silent-screen actress. Annabeth Gish is not related to Dorthy Gish either.
I don't know if characters is what you're looking for, but there is a character on the X Files named Monica Reyes played by Annabeth Gish. Hope this helped
Grant Gish was born in Dallas, in Texas, USA.
Lillian Gish had brown hair and blue eyes.
My mother's birth name is Yvonne Olive Gish born in Los Angeles, Ca in 1925. Her father was Jerry Gish, born in South Dakota, no town is denoted. My mother claimed Lillian and Dorothy Gish were my great aunts, half sister's to Jerry Gish. My mother sang for big bands in the forties but I don't know her stage name. I have a picture of her with the Dorothy Leonard Band. In 1984, I wrote Lillian Gish for and inquiry as to the validity of my mother's claim to familial relationship. The answer I got back was in no uncertain terms, I was absolutely not related to the Gish sisters. However, Jerry Gish, my Grandfather lived his live very much like Lillian Gish's father. He traveled the world and have numerous wives, 13 was the last count.
Annabeth Gish's birth name is Gish, Anne Elizabeth.
Annabeth Gish was born on March 13, 1971.
No, her grandmother's name is Lillian Gish, but she is not the famous silent-screen actress. Annabeth Gish is not related to Dorthy Gish either.
Annabeth Gish was born on March 13, 1971.
5'-8" tall
Sydney Gish is 8.
Dorothy Gish was born on March 11, 1898 and died on June 4, 1968. Dorothy Gish would have been 70 years old at the time of death or 117 years old today.
Dorothy Gish died on June 4, 1968 at the age of 70.
Lillian Gish died on February 27, 1993 at the age of 99.
That would be the great Tommy Lee Jones and the talented Ashley Judd. Also starring were Bruce Greenwood, Benjamin Weir and Annabeth Gish.
I don't know if characters is what you're looking for, but there is a character on the X Files named Monica Reyes played by Annabeth Gish. Hope this helped
Annabeth ran away from home when she was 7 years old.