Andres Küng was born on September 13, 1945 and died on December 10, 2002. Andres Küng would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 69 years old today.
Nicole Andres's birth name is Nicole Monique Andres.
Luka Andres is 141 cm.
Andres Ramos Mattei was born in 1941.
Andres Almonaster y Rojas was born in 1728.
Andres Davila's birth name is Andrs Dvila Senz.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Andres Blanco is 30 years old.
Gerd Andres is 62 years old (birthdate: April 8, 1951).
Andres Küng died on December 10, 2002 at the age of 57.
He's fourteen
Andres iniesta is 26 he is born 1984
king Kamehameha the great
the kng in the 900ad died
Samuel did, just as he did the first one.
wala kng paks
Queen Victoria (from 1837 to 1901).