Andrés Manuel López Obrador is 57 years old (birthdate: November 13, 1953).
Manuel Lopes died on January 25, 2005 at the age of 97.
Manuel de Godoy was born on May 12, 1767 and died on October 4, 1851. Manuel de Godoy would have been 84 years old at the time of death or 248 years old today.
Lin Manuel Miranda was born on January 16, 1980.
Joan (José Manuel) Sebastian was 64 years old when he died on July 13, 2015 (birthdate April 8, 1951).
41 y saludos del Benito bodoque de la santa anita
Manuel Neuer is 31 years old (birthdate: March 27, 1986).
Manuel Dallan is 36 years old (birthdate: October 15, 1976).
Jay Manuel is 44 years old (birthdate: August 14, 1972).
Manuel Almunia is 34 years old (birthdate: May 19, 1977).
Manuel Fernandes is 25 years old (birthdate: February 5, 1986).
Manuel Ortiz is 40 years old (birthdate: May 22, 1971).
Manuel Neri is 81 years old (birthdate: April 12, 1930).
Manuel Schenkhuizen is 25 years old (birthdate: May 11, 1986).
Manuel Ortega is 31 years old (birthdate: April 8, 1980).
Manuel Göttsching is 58 years old (birthdate: September 9, 1952).
Manuel Wilhelm is 30 years old (birthdate: December 15, 1980).
Manuel Reuter is 49 years old (birthdate: December 6, 1961).