Amy Price-Francis is 37 years old. She was born on 16 September 1975.
amy Nicoletto is 37 yrs old
Amy Goodman is 54 years old (birthdate: April 13, 1957).
Amy Keenleyside is 9 years old born on 2nd of January 2004, :)
US actress Amy Acker is 41 years old (birthdate: December 5, 1976).
Twins Amy and Catherine Quinn were born in 2002.
Amy is 27
amy rose is 19 years old
amy Nicoletto is 37 yrs old
Georgia Amy Eyre is eleven years old
Amy jean long is 15 years old xD
Amy Duncan is 40 years old.
Amy will be 16 when she is twice as old as Emily at 8.
Amy is 6 years older than bill two years ago Amy was three times as old as bill how old will Amy be in 4 years time?
Amy is 40 years old.
Amy is 43 years old. She was born in 1972
amy ducan is 49
Amy Heidemann is 31 years old (birthdate April 29, 1986).