Korean-American comedian Amy Anderson is 44 years old (born September 1, 1972).
Her daughter is Aubrey Emmons.
amy Nicoletto is 37 yrs old
Amy Goodman is 54 years old (birthdate: April 13, 1957).
Amy Keenleyside is 9 years old born on 2nd of January 2004, :)
Greg Anderson is 50 years old (birthdate: March 14, 1961).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Kyle Anderson is 20 years old.
Amy Jo Anderson is 5' 7".
Amy Kate Anderson is 5' 3".
Amy Ellyn Anderson was born on July 31, 1969, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Abella Anderson's real name is Amy Quesada.
Anderson Cooper is 50 years old (birthdate: June 3, 1967).
the incredible esmerelda evans & Amy Anderson
Amy is 27
He was but got divorced. He is now dating his tour manager Amy.
amy rose is 19 years old
amy Nicoletto is 37 yrs old
Georgia Amy Eyre is eleven years old