Lisa Cimorelli is 23 years old (birthdate September 19, 1993).
The youngest member of Cimorelli is Dani (14 years old). The youngest sibling in the Cimorelli family is Joey (10 years old).
Christina Cimorelli has a boyfriend.
The Cimorelli sisters are a group of 6 singers. They do many covers of modern songs. They consist of: Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani. They come from the Sacramento area and are from a family of 11. The girls also have another 5 brothers, Alex, Christian, Mike, Nick and Joey. You should check out their music on youtube.
Yes Jordan is Dante's dad. Dante Jordan Knight was born on 08/25/99 making him 11 years old
Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli (July 1) The others are: Christina Lynne Cimorelli (August 12) Katherine Ann Cimorelli (March 4) Lisa Michelle Cimorelli (September 19) Lauren Christine Cimorelli (August 12) Danielle Nicole Cimorelli (June 15) The Boys Are: Michael John Cimorelli (February 18) Alexander Dante Cimorelli (August 30) Christian Michael Cimorelli (February 18) Nicholas Anthony Cimorelli (September 19) Joseph Angelo Cimorelli (February 19)
Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli (July 1) The others are: Christina Lynne Cimorelli (August 12) Katherine Ann Cimorelli (March 4) Lisa Michelle Cimorelli (September 19) Lauren Christine Cimorelli (August 12) Danielle Nicole Cimorelli (June 15) The Boys Are: Michael John Cimorelli (February 18) Alexander Dante Cimorelli (August 30) Christian Michael Cimorelli (February 18) Nicholas Anthony Cimorelli (September 19) Joseph Angelo Cimorelli (February 19)
Alexander "Alex" Cimorelli was born August 30, 1996.
Dani Cimorelli is 13 years old
Dante Fazio's birth name is Dante Alexander Fazio.
Lynne Cimorelli is 50 and Mike Cimorelli is 52. (As of 2/08/14)
Amy Cimorelli is 22 years old. She was born July 1, 1995.
Joey Cimorelli will be 9 years old this year. (As of 2/08/14)
Christina Cimorelli is 23. (As of 2/12/14)
Katherine Cimorelli is 22. (As of 3/05/14)
Dani Cimorelli is 14. (As of 6/29/14)
Katherine Cimorelli is 21. (As of 8/07/13)