Steve Higgins (second banana on jimmy fallon's shows) is 53 years old (born August 13, 1963).
John Michael Higgins is 52 years old (birthdate: February 12, 1963).
Alex Arrowsmith is 34 years old (birthdate: July 10, 1982).
Alex Auld is 30 years old (birthdate: January 7, 1981).
Alex the clown is 29 years old he was born on november 10,1983
Alex Karras was 77 years old when he died on October 10, 2012 (born July 15, 1935).
yes Alex Higgins is Scottish
Alex Higgins was born on March 18, 1949.
Alex Higgins was born on March 18, 1949.
Steve Davis. He won it in 1981, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988 and 1989.
Alex Higgins was found deceased 24 July 2010 at his residence on the Donegall Road in Belfast.
Alex Higgins
Alex Higgins.
probably in purgatory!
Alex Higgins.
Alex Higgins is known for his improvisational use of common everyday house items. He has also been known to sing and play multiple instruments, which is cool.