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It depends on the movie theater, but usually you have to be 21 in order to buy tickets for people under 17. Some movie theaters will let you buy tickets for people under 17 if you are 17 and have a legit ID.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You must be a parent or legal guardian.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: How old do you have to be to bring someone under 18 to a rated r movie?
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If someone under 18 plays a part in a R rated movie can they see the premiere?

If they're accompanied by an adult I think

How do kids under 17 get an m rated game or r rated movie without an adult with them?

They do not, it's against the law. Unless there is someone cool working at the movie theator.

Are people under 15 allowed to watch R movies?

You can see R-rated movies if you're under 17; you just have to have someone 17 or older with you, to buy the ticket and see the movie with you.NC-17 is the strongest rating in the United States; you cannot see an NC-17-rated movie if you are 17 or under, no matter who is with you.

How do you get in to a 12A movie?

bring an adult if you are under 12

If you live in Mississippi and are eighteen can you buy someone under the age of seventeen a rated r movie ticket?

Only if you're a parent or legal guardian.

Can you be 18 and bring a under aged child to see a rated r movie?

No it is not illegal. The age limit for R rated movies is 17 and above. Though a child accompanied by a parent or guardian will be allowed into the movie theater. Even to purchase a R rated movie, you have to be 17 or older.

What does an R rated movie mean?

It means that no one under 18 is allowed to watch the movie

Can a twelve year old go see an M rated movie WITHOUT a parent or guardian someone from Australia answer please?

M rated movies dont need a parent or guardian, MA rated movies need an adult to accompany a child under 15.

Why cant teenagers under 17 go see a rated r movie?

Teenagers under 17 can watch "R" rated movies, as per IMDB, under parental guidance.

Can a 17 year old go see a rated R movie at AMC theaters When I looked at the ratings it said under 17 cannot see a rated R movie without being accompanied with a parent or guardian. I need help.?

If you are under 17, then you need an adult to watch a rated R movie in the theatres.