boomer is blue brick is red and butch is green there is your answer!
episodes 20,42, and 51.
Butch Jojo is from the powerpuff girls and powerpuff girls z: His first appearance was in the episode The Rowdyruff Boys his dad is Mojo Jojo his brothers are: Brick and Boomer! There goal is to defeat the powerpuff girls
A japenense anime show where 3 13 yr old girls who fight crime and evil Blossom,Bubbles,Buttercup but they are cute and they do have super powers but they don`t have the kind from the original powerpuff girls they mostly have weapons
Yes. The Rowdyruff Boys do wear converse.
I think the rowdyruff boys like the powerpuff girls
they are like 11 or 12
The Rowdyruff Boys meet the Powerpuff Girls in Season 1 episode " The Rowdyruff Boys". Mojo Jojo creates them and The Powerpuff Girls Defeat them By giving the Rowdyruff Boys a kiss on the cheek. Then HIM revives them On Season 5 on the episode "The Boys Are Back In Town"
Because the rowdyruff boys are males and the powerpuff girls are females
They`re 5 or 6 years old just like the powerpuff girls
they are 13 like the powerpuff girls
They first meet the boys in episode 20 when mojo creates them
probley junk food
no no they don't. but there are many love pictures of them. really they do fight each other. but not in the tv ppgz or ppg they're perfect enemys!
The Powerpuff Girls - 1998 The Rowdyruff Boys 1-12 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G