it kind of depends what book your thinking of. Ron is the same age as Harry (if you mean the 'actual' age then right now he would be 29) and Ginny is the year below. Fred (before he died) and George are also two years older than Ron and his friends. Bill is around 10 years older than Ron. Charlie is around 7 and a half years older than Ron which explain why Charlie was the last seeker on the griffindor quidditch team until Harry arrived. Percy is 4 years older than Ron and if Im honest no one really cares about how old molly and arthur are. :)
Well Hermione Ron and Harry start at 11 in the first book then just add one one year for every book
In Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban the Weasleys go to Egypt after winning money from a lotto.
Mark Williams
uh...... PROBABLEY.
Ginny Weasley does have red hair just like all of her siblings. The only Weasley without orange hair is hermione.
Ron Weasley's house is fictional and a postcode is never mentioned.
All of the weasleys are wizards.Note: A female wizard is a witch.
No, as far as all the current books are concerned...
Remotely, maybe.
No, she was then married to Lupin.
In Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban the Weasleys go to Egypt after winning money from a lotto.
Well , no they are not ..Sirius Black is known to be Harrys GODfather with wishes from his dad but there is no blood relation and the weasleys are not related by any way ..:)
Their parents?
I don't understand your question
Mark Williams
March 1, 1980