Vern Harper is 75 years old (birthdate: June 17, 1936).
Rachel Nichols (actress) is 38 years old (birthdate: January 8, 1980). Rachel Nichols (journalist) is 44 years old (birthdate: October 18, 1973).
Ben Harper is 41 years old (birthdate: October 28, 1969).
Lucy Benjamin is 47 years old (birthdate: June 25, 1970).
Stephen Harper's has 2 kids named: Benjamin and Rachel
Stephen Harper is Canada's current and 22nd prime minister. He is married to Lauren Teskey and has two children Benjamin and Rachel.
Ben- Lisgar Collegiate Institute Rachel- Glashan Public School Both had gone to Rockcliffe Public School
The name of Stephen Harper's daughter is Rachel.
Rachel was his mother.. She died giving birth to him..
Yes. Joseph and Benjamin's mother was Rachel, their father's favorite wife.
Jacob and Rachel had two sons, Joseph and Benjamin.
Rachel M. Harper has written: 'Brass Ankle Blues' -- subject(s): Fiction, Racially mixed people, Teenage girls
Stephen Harper's Son's Name Is Benjamin, He Was Born In 1996
His wife is Laureen and his kids are Ben and Rachel.
Yes, Rachel was alive when Joseph was sold into slavery. Rachel was Joseph's mother and she died giving birth to Benjamin, who was Joseph's younger brother.
Joseph's mother (in the Old Testament) is Rachel who gave birth to Benjamin aswell.